Why should I do an internship?
An internship gives you real-life experience in your chosen field. This can lead to improved skills and an advantage in your future job searches. An internship can also help you identify areas of application for your academic training and solidify the recognition that you’ve chosen the right field! If you are not working part-time in your field, the only way to obtain experience before graduation is by doing one or more internships. You can also build an impressive portfolio or resume by doing internships.
The following list (from the Internship Office
- An internship increases your marketability to employers. On average, only 30 percent of graduating seniors have job offers before graduation; however, after students complete an internship, that figure rises to 58 percent.
- An internship facilitates a higher starting salary than non-interns receive. In a recent study, interns received, on averages, $2,240 more than non-interns for starting salary.
- You gain exposure to real-world problems and issues that perhaps are not found in textbooks.
- You can evaluate specific companies or specific careers prior to committing with full-time employment.
- An internship increases opportunities within a company for faster advancement and growth.
- You increase your self-confidence in the workplace while developing an expanded network of associates and professionals.
- You have resume-building experiences while applying academic concepts and principles.
- You can spread the gospel in many areas through example and lifestyles wherever you go.
- You can have hands-on opportunities to work with equipment and technology that may not be available on campus.